One of the biggest problems with any weight loss program is that you start out with good intentions and then get led astray by all the temptations that sabotage your efforts.
Face it, they're called temptations for a good reason. You're going to be tempted by them!
It starts innocently. Just one bite of ice cream will be fine, surely? Then next time a few more bites. Or a chocolate chip cookie. Or something else that's dripping with calories but looks so, so delicious.
Before you know it, instead of losing pounds, you've added them.
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Minor temptations will crop up all the time. Occasionally, it's OK to give into them (unless your new diet requires you to be a monk). But not every meal time.
So what can you do to keep from sabotaging your diet?
Monitor your weight loss progress. They say that what gets measured gets done and the same is as true for weight loss as it is for your targets at work.
It doesn't have to be complicated. As a child, you probably kept a record of your height on a wall somewhere. Why not stick a piece of paper above your bathroom scales and write in your progress? That's a very public way to keep track of your weight loss but it works well for a lot of people.
Think positive - this weight loss program WILL work! Truth be known, most diets work if we let them. But if you start getting negative and thinking "this will never work for me", chances are that is exactly what is going to happen. A large proportion of the world's population are on an almost continual diet. One week it will be the joys of cabbage soup, another week the exotic South Beach diet, then low carb. Been there, done that?
Stay positive. Remember that weight loss is a gradual process - you didn't put those pounds on overnight, so despite the claims in the adverts there's absolutely no chance you'll lose them overnight either. Instant weight loss only happens in movies.
Stick to your plan for the long term this time - you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Give yourself realistic weight loss targets Setting an unrealistic goal of losing, say, 14 pounds in 5 days just isn't for real. You'll miss the target and then give up.
Aim for losing a pound or two most every week.
And don't beat yourself up if you miss the target every now and then. So long as your weight trend is downwards, that's cool.
Stop thinking about food all the time! Divert your attention elsewhere. Whether it's a new hobby, spending more time with your loved ones or whatever. Just take your focus away from food all the time. We live in a society of plenty. You're almost certainly no more than 5 or 10 minutes from something to eat. Stop thinking about food 24/7.
Cut out the candies and other sweet foods Or at least cut them back if you get the shakes at the thought of dropping them completely.
Sugar is an "empty" form of food. It goes straight to your waistline.
Don't substitute artificial sweeteners instead either. They have their own issues and it's much better for you (despite what the official guidelines may proclaim) to have some real sugar once in a while than artificial sweeteners regularly. Those laboratory animals weren't healthy just because they had a sugar substitute - quite the opposite.
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