There are plenty of simple weight loss strategies which you can adopt easily and which will help you establish and maintain a weight loss program.
When it comes to weight loss, there are several benefits to drinking plenty of water. Drinking water when you feel like eating something between meals can take the edge off your hunger and help you wait till it's time for lunch or dinner. Also, having a glass of water right before you eat can help you feel full more quickly, thus helping you eat less.
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One of the best uses of water if you are trying to shift the pounds, is as a replacement for soft drinks, such as cola, lemonade or soda. These drinks contain very high levels
of sugar and cutting them out or reducing them significantly will make a big difference. If you drink the low calorie versions, it's still a good idea to cut down, as these are not
healthy and the healthier your diet, the better you'll feel and the easier it will be to improve your eating patterns and exercise levels. Watch out too for fruit juices - these can contain added sugar and even if they don't, sometimes have a surprising number of calories. Remember also that some drinks like tea, coffee and alcohol will dehydrate you.
Everyone knows that exercise is important to weight loss, but what most people don't realise is that this doesn't have to mean joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer. Walking is one of the best, easiest and cheapest forms of exercise. If you have been inactive for a long time, you can start by walking a little more each day. If you travel to work by public transport, get on or off the bus or train at a different stop, so that you have to walk for about 10 minutes. Do this on the way home as well. You can gradually increase this to 20 - 30 minutes if that fits in with the distance you have to travel.
If you work close to home, at home or travel to the office by car, make a point of having a short walk every day. This could be in your lunch break, before or after work. If you are very overweight or out of shape, start with 10 minutes, otherwise make it 20-30 minutes. Small amounts of exercise mount up and so start using the stairs, walking to the shops and anywhere else which is close to home. As you get used to walking more, you can gradually step up your activity levels. Don't forget that if you have a health problem, are seriously obese or very unfit, you should talk to your doctor before increasing the amount of exercise you take.
Long term weight loss can be achieved by making a number of lifestyle changes, but don't try to change everything at once. Drinking more water, cutting back on soft drinks and walking more can easily become part of your weight loss routine. Incorporating simple weight loss strategies into your everyday life will enable you to make steady progress.
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