Daily physical activities can results to weight loss. This is according to a study published in the Journal of The Royal Society for Promotion of Health. The study whose purpose was to compare effects of different patterns of exercises on body weight involved Singaporean women in an eight week exercise program.
The study showed significant reduction of weight using a walking treadmill and cycle ergometry. The exercises further reduced body fat percentage as well as waist circumference. Waist circumference is known to be a strong and independent indicator of heart disease as well as insulin resistance. A high insulin resistance precedes the development of diabetes.
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These results were similar and did not matter whether the subjects were involved in the exercise for a few extended periods (long bouts) or for many short periods (short bouts). Long-bouts involved exercise of 60 minutes done twice a week while the short-bouts involved exercising on the equipments 15 minutes five times a week.
The short bout exercise replicated/imitated physical activities that could be included into the daily lifestyle of an individual. Such activities included walking to the mall or taking the stair instead of the elevators. The long-bout exercise imitated the structured exercise regimes that would be found in a gym environment or aerobic classes.
These results then indicate that inclusion of lifestyle physical activities for the overweight is just as effective as structured exercises. Other studies that agree with this one indicate that the benefits are especially significant for previously sedentary individuals. It does not matter how you do your exercises what matters is total amounts of calories burnt.
The effectiveness of these lifestyle physical activities that result to weight loss is in being aerobic.
Aerobic exercises are known to use mainly body fat rather then body glucose or glycogen to provide energy. Body fat is used for energy in the presence of oxygen (hence the term aerobic that means ''in oxygen'') and aerobics activities involve constant breathing during execution. This provides the necessary oxygen optimal for fat burning.
The study however does not discount the use and at times necessity of structured exercise. Infact some people do find the environment of the gym the equipments and psyche motivating which help in marinating a physically active lifestyle.
Indeed a different study showed that to maintain weight after weight loss requires more physical activities than that recommended for good health. This means that to lose weight and maintain, you will need to do more than the 30mnutes of moderate exercising recommended for good health. Exercises for losing and maintaining weight would be at least 45 minutes of moderate to intense for at least four days a week.
A physical active lifestyle is necessary both for losing weight and maintaining that weight loss. On the other hand sedentary lifestyle is one of the contributing factors to the pandemic obesity. The inclusion of lifestyle activities is effective in improving the situation.
Daily physical activities can results to weight loss. This is according to a study published in the Journal of The Royal Society for Promotion of Health. The study whose purpose was to compare effects of different patterns of exercises on body weight involved Singaporean women in an eight week exercise program.
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