When you eat a healthy diet and combine that with an exercise program you can not help but to loose weight. The key is to form positive habits such as eating the correct foods in an enjoyable format. Eating healthy food and exercise can be fun.
The problem was that we discovered eating could be pleasurable. The taste and the textures, the sweetness, the bitterness a rollercoaster of taste experiences. We now see food as a source of comfort Healthy Eating and cost Time for a rant now Why are foods that are healthy charged at such a premium, why does an orange cost more than a chocolate bar. Would it not benefit society as a whole to subsidise healthy foods that have many long term health benefits other then just weight loss to reduce the long term strain on the health services in the future . Sharp calorie reduction Result: Low energy and blood sugar, loss of nourishment. the general rule is for Women to take in 1500 calories and men 2500 calories. below these levels your body goes into starvation mode. In Starvation mode your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy and start using lean muscle for energy. Once you start eating again the body is in a mad panic , and will store calories as fat in order to survive the next time it goes without food. You gain more weight than when you started. Therefore, Eat!!
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The calorie suggestions above are for the average person if you are overweight you will need more calories to sustain you. For example if a person weighs 500 pounds, they will need 6500 calories a day to sustain them at that level to loose weight they will need to cut there calorific intake down to 6000 calories a day this will help them loose 1lb in weight a week. High Protein Foods, low carbs.
protein is harder to digest than other foods. By eating high protein foods, the body has to work harder to digest the food, and will result in an increase in metabolism which in turn burns fat.
It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones and firms muscles. Aerobic activity raises the heart rate and burns calories in fact, it achieves very little in terms of toning. combining aerobics and weight training is the best way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. Weight loss studies have shown that weight loss increases by 56 percent with aerobic and strength exercises combined.
We have talked a lot about weight loss but in fact, what we are really discussing is fat loss. You see, muscle weighs more then fat, but when you increase your muscle mass, the body will burn more of the fat. Because your metabolism is higher, a pound of muscle will burn 350 to 500 calories per week to survive, while a pound of fat only needs about 14 calories per week. Studies have shown that building muscle helps your body fight disease better, too.
As part of a weight loss program [http://weightlossprograms.trustandfind.com] strength and aerobic activities combined are very useful in achieving the body you desire.
Hypnosis and weight loss The weight loss programs available are numerous and one program will not work for all people. Weight gain creeps up on people like a ninja in the night and before they know what has hit them they have gained 40lbs. Investigate a local gym, take a walk in the park, and find healthy foods that you like.
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