As discussed in my previous articles, which some of you may have read, fast weigh loss diets may not be the best choice for a truly long lasting weight loss. Frequently, as I have mentioned other times, this just leads to a quick regaining of your weight with possibly more pounds being added to your body. So lets look at an alternative to fast weight loss diets.
You are overweight for the most simple of reasons. You are eating the wrong foods. The wrong types of calories are pouring over your tongue to add pounds to your body. You are also using the wrong pattern for eating those meals you do eat.
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Food is more powerful than any pill you could take to make you lose weight. Why? Because the food you eat has the power to make you either thin or fat. You don't get fat just due to a lack of exercise. You get fat because you are eating the wrong foods at the wrong intervals.
The pattern in which you eat your meals is also very powerful in your weight loss or gain. Your body is like an engine and only needs certain foods at intervals each day and if you don't eat the right foods at the right times your body won't burn those calories. You will end up storing those calories as fat tissue. You have to eat more than 3 times a day to lose weight.
You have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods. You can get thin by eating the right foods in the right intervals.
Low calories diets don't work as long term weight loss diets due to the fact you are starving your body and your metabolism adjusts. Your body prepares for starvation by entering a starvation mode and stores calories as fat.
Low fat diets definitely don't work as how many of us are eating low fat foods? Hmmm that is a billion dollar business and our population continues to gain weight daily. The low fat lifestyle simply is not working for us.
Low carb? Let's see....a very popular diet method but once again a form of the starvation diet. The Adkins diet, for example, has you eating only 20 grams of carbs daily. It takes about 5 months to reach the 100 grams of carbs (400 carb calories) per day. A typical restaurant meal has more carbs than that.
So what do we do? You ask. Let's look at calorie shifting. Your body's metabolism does not know how much food you will eat tomorrow so it sets its controls based on your last few days. It assumes you are going to eat the same pattern day after day. So we need to shift our diet every few days to fool our system.
We need to stoke our metabolism for a few days then change to a system of eating foods that have easily burned calories for a few days. By doing this your metabolism is high enough to consume those calories plus some of the calories stored in your fat tissue. We then repeat the process to continue fooling our system into consuming our fat tissue. By constantly alternating your menu between every possible type of calorie, constantly shifting from one type of calorie to the next, you will ensure that the scale keeps dropping.
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